The Metarun Economy — Sustaining P2E for all Gamers

6 min readAug 29, 2022


Metarun In-game Currencies

Over the past few months, our team has focused on our products’ game and marketplace aspects. We did this to polish the core pillars of the ecosystem to offer the community the best GameFi experience to date.

What we’ve done so far, including — the closed alpha and closed beta, has allowed us to collect feedback from the community on how to improve future product iterations further. The current game build has already scaled gamers’ experience from where we started.

Most importantly, we haven’t ignored the crypto-facing side of the project — the Metarun token and the Economy evolving around it.

In this article, we will walk you through in detail how the game economy works and the relationship between different in-game currencies, and how everything evolves around our native token $MRUN and the importance it holds.

What is the Metarun (MRUN) Economy Model?

Metarun economy is not the average P2E economy model built for short-term hype. Metarun economy model is robust, balanced and built to sustain long term. Metarun economy has five currencies from which $MRUN is one of them.

Metarun core economy model revolves around our native token, MRUN. MRUN is a utility token that powers the Metarun Ecosystem — linking the game products — The Runner Game, In-Game Items, 3D NFT characters, and the marketplace to the economic incentive design.

To understand the economic model, you need to check this Flow chart.

1.0 Metarun Currencies

While the Metarun economy revolves around the core utility On-chain token MRUN, it has four other currencies which balance and keep the whole economic model sustainable, as explained below.

1.1 Types of Currencies

1.11 Onchain Currency

  • MRUN (Metarun token)

1.12 In-game Currencies

1.121 Hard Currency

  • OPAL

1.122 SOFT Currency

  • GOLD

Let’s start by describing the Onchain token $MRUN first.

MRUN: MRUN is a utility token that powers the Metarun Ecosystem. MRUN token can be utilised in two ways, i.e. Direct and Indirect. The MRUN token has functionality both outside and within the game. Outside the game, it is a secondary market tool to engage traders. It also serves as a staking product to encourage passive earnings from the Metarun network. MRUN is a primary currency for buying 3D NFT characters and paying fees.

Direct Use: MRUN token’s direct use can be described in the form of it utilisation for Onchain and DeFi activities in the Metarun ecosystem. These Onchain and DeFi activities can be represented as the direct Utility cases of the MRUN token.

Metarun (MRUN) Utility

  • MRUN Staking is one of the main utility cases for the MRUN token. Staking your MRUN tokens unlocks access to various In-game features, Special Chests, Premium NFTs, Increase Earning Level, Passive Income (staking rewards) and VIP Level benefits.
  • Purchase Metarun 3D NFT characters to start your Metarun game journey.
  • Purchase the Super NFT Chests
  • Upgrade your characters
  • Leasing your Metarun 3D characters.
  • Purchase Pets, Artefacts and Supply items.

Indirect use: While MRUN has numerous utilities for on-chain activities, the real storm of activities happens inside the game. The In-game MRUN activities happen through its linkage to Ingame hard currencies MTRUN and OPAL. To understand this further, we need to understand the In-game Hard currencies.

1.12 Metarun In-Game Currencies

1.121 HARD Currencies

MTRUN: MTRUN is an In-game hard currency that has a 1:1 ratio balance with our native token MRUN. Inside the game, the MRUN token takes the form of a tokenised in-game Hard currency called the MTRUN.

Obtaining MTRUN

  • Hold MRUN tokens in your wallet connected to your Metarun marketplace account and use the “exchange” option to deposit MTRUN on your game account. The game will detect your MTRUN balance on-chain and credit you with the same amount of MTRUN In-game.

MTRUN Utility

  • Character Level Upgrade
  • Character Ability Upgrade
  • Character Skin Evolution
  • Recharge battle runs
  • Purchase treasury box
  • Purchase Engineer kits
  • Recharge stamina Potions
  • Time-loop; Extend map during PvP runs.

OPAL: OPAL is the main In-game Hard currency that plays a crucial role in keeping the Metarun economy stable and sustainable. It is mainly because OPAL is a stable currency. OPAL is pegged to USDT in the Ratio of 1USD to 270 OPALs.

While OPAL has a lot of use cases, it is also the reward currency for the play to earn economy, and by being stable, it keeps the earning stable for the players, amazing, isn’t it?

Obtaining OPAL

  • Obtained from the Metarun Marketplace by exchanging your MRUN to OPAL.
  • By playing PvP matches you get OPAL reward for Win and even for Lose.
  • Received for participating in Metarun Events.

OPAL Utility

  • Exchange for MRUN via marketplace
  • Character level-up
  • Character ability Level-up
  • Buy Premium Pass
  • Upgrade Pets, Artefacts and supply items
  • Challenge (Custom) 1v1 matches
  • Increase booster level
  • Resume from the Death spot (PvE)

1.122 Soft Currencies

GOLD: An in-game soft currency required to upgrade and acquire various in-game items to unlock their full potential.

Obtaining GOLD

  • Picked up on the map during a PVP run, PVE run.
  • Received for completing Daily Missions.
  • Obtained from a chest.
  • Received for completing Trophy Road.
  • Received for completing Battle Pass levels.
  • Treasury Box via MTRUN

GOLD Utility

  • Character level upgrade
  • Upgrade Character talents
  • Increase pet level.

SPARES Additional in-game soft currency is required to upgrade and acquire various in-game items to unlock their full potential.

Obtaining Spares

  • For killing monsters during a PVP run, PVE run.
  • Obtained from a chest.
  • Received for completing Trophy Road.
  • Received for completing Battle Pass levels.
  • Engineer Kit via MTRUN

SPARES Utility

  • Increase Ability Level
  • Craft a booster before starting the game
  • Increase booster level
  • Increase artefact level.

As demonstrated by the flowchart and detailed explanation of each Currency, it can be seen that the Metarun economy is a class apart. Each Currency, Onchain and In-game, complement each other throughout the flow and makes it possible for the whole economy to balance by itself.

Let’s take an Example of How to Purchase a 3D NFT character Classic-Common skin and upgrade it to its full potential to explain the Economy and currency balance.

— First, you need MRUN to purchase the character and play the game.

— By playing the game, you are rewarded with OPALs and collect Gold and Spares.

— Your character has a certain supply of runs, which depends on the kind and rarity of the skin. For Classic Common skin, it’s 300 runs. When they run out, you can use the recharge mechanic to replenish them. The recharge mechanic requires MTRUN.

— To increase your chances of winning and earning more, you can strengthen your character by levelling it up.

— To increase the level, you need to use GOLD + OPAL + MTRUN simultaneously.

Also, the character can upgrade his abilities. For this upgrade, you need SPARES + OPAL + MTRUN simultaneously.

The maximum level of abilities is limited by the current level of the character.

— The maximum character level is limited by his rarity:

  • Common — 5 LVL (15 ability level)
  • Rare — 10 LVL (30 ability level)
  • Mythical — 15 LVL (45 ability level).

However, by upgrading your Common character to the maximum level, you will have the opportunity to go beyond this limit: using the “Skin Evolution” mechanic.

-Skin Evolution increases the rarity of your skin: Common→Rare→Mythical

To use this mechanic, you need the same NFT Character with the same rarity and MTRUN.

Common NFT + same Common NFT + MTRUN = same Rare NFT

Above example showcases how the Metarun economy is super efficient and sustainable. It is not dependent on a single currency flow (As seen in P2E games) which causes a danger to the economic design of many games; hence, we see many P2E games crumble after a short period.

The Metarun economy will make it possible for the first time to serve the Crypto and traditional gamers efficiently. While the PvP mode requires an NFT, the PvE mode will be Free to play whilst offering the perks of P2E. The Metarun Economy is designed to last the test of time, and we are excited to bring it to the Crypto and the traditional world. Stay tuned for more!!!


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World's first P2E multiplayer mobile runner game. Built on UE5, empowered by the BNB chain. Website: | Discord: